420 personas you need to know

March 20, 2023

In 2023, the typical 420 participant is anything but typical. These folks, indulging in cannabis and CBD, are nothing like what you'd expect. They come from all walks of life, united by their forward-thinking nature and influence. They're pioneers, trendsetters and people who enrich the lives of those around them. And that is truly what makes them extraordinary.

420 personas you need to know

As we navigate a calendar filled with both official holidays and creative, yet quirky "national days" like that of National Toast Day or Talk Like a Pirate Day, there comes a unique moment in time that truly stands apart: 420.

Though not an official holiday, cities like San Francisco, Denver and Seattle have been pioneers in embracing this day with celebrations and events. It's taking root in our legislatures too - Minnesota recently recognized April 20th as "420 Day."

The origins of 420 can be traced to a humble, grassroots movement, catching the public's attention for over two decades, as per Google Trends. While some attribute its birth to students in the 1970s and their connection with the Grateful Dead, one thing is clear: it has grown into a genuine, heartfelt celebration.

In 2023, the typical 420 participant is anything but typical. These folks, indulging in cannabis and CBD, are nothing like what you'd expect. They come from all walks of life, united by their forward-thinking nature and influence. They're pioneers, trendsetters and people who enrich the lives of those around them. And that is truly what makes them extraordinary.

Here are six 420 personas to pay attention to in 2023:

  1. First 420: aged 21-25, these cannabis and CBD consumers are stepping into the world of legal cannabis. As digital natives, these creative individuals are not just embracing this milestone, but sharing their journey online through captivating videos. 
  2. Cali-Sober: according to MRI-Simmons, a staggering 95% of cannabis enthusiasts firmly believe that cannabis is a superior option to alcohol. As a result, three fourths of these consumers have reduced their alcohol intake, swapping their wine glasses for a bit of the green stuff. More interestingly, a bold subset has taken the plunge and fully abandoned alcohol, joining the Dry January bandwagon. Now, these trendsetters are embracing a sober lifestyle with a California twist, sipping on energy drinks, iced tea, and iced coffee with gusto.
  3. Cannacurious Moms: from busy business leaders to engaged shoppers, these women make up one-third of all cannabis and CBD consumers. As a group they're highly engaged citizens with their finger on the pulse when it comes to trying new food products or seeking out convenient options.
  4. Fitness Fanatics: in the world of sports, be it running, triathlons or even pickleball, a striking number of athletes – over one in four, to be precise – embrace cannabis or CBD as part of their fitness journey. Remarkably, these trailblazers are also well-versed in technology, being 25% more inclined to stream workouts and leverage mobile fitness apps. 
  5. Enlightened Executives: one-in-four top professionals (and one-in-five people with household incomes of $500K+) have discovered that cannabis can be a transformative tool in their lives. And 70% of these Enlightened Executives also purchase business products and services at a rate more than five times the national average. They're investing in the tools and resources they need to succeed, like cutting-edge computers, reliable insurance, innovative web services, and quality office furniture.  
  6. Green Gamers: a vibrant community of passionate players on handhelds, consoles and PCs, these folks are 30% more likely to watch live streamers, take part in forum discussions and engage in adrenaline-pumping multiplayer showdowns.

As the journey of cannabis extends from counterculture to a cornerstone of well-being, we find ourselves embracing a new chapter. 420 - once a covert symbol for marijuana activism - now symbolizes a day where we come together to embody positivity, tranquility, and equilibrium. Envision the bright future where 420 evolves into an exciting destination extravaganza, unifying our collective love for travel, music, food, culture and creativity.

Undoubtedly, 420 will remain a core event within the cannabis industry. But it will also attract more mainstream brands that want to engage with progressive, forward-thinking consumers. In the near future, 420 will become an instrumental, integrated moment within campaign planning. 

To learn how you can reach these progressive consumers on 420 and beyond, check out the Fyllo Audience Playbook.

*Originally authored for Benzinga.

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